Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wow! It's been awhile!

I really don't want to neglect my blogging, I just have been so caught up with the holidays and everything else life brings for us. I have finally finished all the presents, Santa has made his visit, and now it's time for sleep! I can't wait to see the excitement in M's eyes when she sees everything in the morning. I will post pics later! Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Almost Thanksgiving!

I really need to catch up on my list of things I am thankful for!

November 22: I am thankful for childproofing devices... It is great having cabinets locked and someone can't do their inventory! =) Now to get the ones for the lazy susans.....

November 21: my dog being as patient as she is with M... She really takes a beating sometimes, but still is sweet as can be to her..

November 20: I am thankful for the roof over my head, while it rains and is cold outside, we are able to be in the house, dry, and warm!

November 19: I'm thankful for my Keurig, I love having a hot mug of apple cider at the press of a button! It warms me up!

November 18: I am thankful for my DVR, so I am able to catch up on shows that I have missed, and always have a YGG ready to go for little missy... =)

November 17: I am thankful for amazing photographers! You ladies all rock, and have great talent and I love the pics that I have to look back at different times of our lives! 

November 16: I'm thankful for my crock pot... I love being able to get dinner ready during nap time, and then at 5ish it is just time to sit, eat, and relax!

November 15: I am thankful Mackenzie had a good afternoon nap today!

November 12: I'm thankful for carousel's having benches, since little missy freaked out all of a sudden, once we picked the horsey for her to ride on! So we sat, and just enjoyed the ride!

November 11: I am thankful for all of the men and women that serve our country. To the past and present soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen, and even those coasties, at one point in time you wrote a blank check out to America that was payable up to the cost of your life. Thank you for putting your life on the line so us here at home can be safe. Happy Veteran's Day!

November 10: I am thankful for the United States Marine Corps. For those that have fought for our freedoms and made the ultimate sacrifice, you won't be forgotten! Happy Birthday Marine Corps!!

Ok, so, I got pretty far behind! whoooopsie daisies! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Holiday wreath!

I was feeling crafty the other day and bought a 50ct box of ornaments at Target... Well I finally got around to them today during nap time! I love Christmastime! It is truly my favorite time of year! So this along with a Caramel Brulee Latte, has me excited for Thanksgiving to pass!! hehe!
My Finished Wreath!
Here are directions if you want to make your own! It was really pretty simple!
1. Get about 50 ornaments, and a wire clothes hanger. 

2. Round out the hanger, and untwist the hook portion (I was able to do it with my hands, it shouldn't be too difficult!) 

3. Start stringing on your ornaments until you fill it up.  You can move them around, they are really easy to reposition to get the look you like! 

4. Twist your ends back together and I just folded mine over so it would hang like that on the curtain rod. if you want to hang it on your door, or wall, it might be a little trickier! 

5. Enjoy your nice, pretty wreath! (M is currently just sitting and pointing at it while drinking her milk! Amazing what she notices after her nap, hehe..) 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9

I am thankful for my November mommies.. You are the best group of ladies, from all walks of life, I love you all!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Catch up for blessings

November 5: I'm thankful for family meals, there is always so much excitement & fun when we are all gathered around the table.

November 6: I'm thankful for friendship, no matter what, nothing can come between good friends (including rain!) showing how much they care about a cause close to ones heart!

November 7: I'm thankful I am able to work on my patience... It is so needed, and in the long run it pays off in the end :-)

November 8: I'm thankful for my mom. She is amazing, and is always there to help me. She is the best Yaya I could have ever imagined M having!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4

I'm thankful for the roof over my head. While it's raining outside, we are inside it's nice and dry, and warm!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


There is so much I am thankful for. I am going to take this month to share all the blessings that I give thanks to! So here goes my catching up...

  • November 1: I am so thankful for my amazing husband, he does so much for our family and I will be forever grateful that I have been able to be home with my beautiful girl and enjoyed everyday of her 1st year of life! 

  • November 2: I am thankful for baby Tylenol.. Baby girl got her shots today, this seems to have helped soothe her a bit. 

  • November 3: I am thankful for my sweet girl, she has shown me a whole new love, and it is so endless and unconditional  <3 

Ok, I am caught up, now to keep it up to date! Think of all you are thankful for and make your list. There is a lot in life we are all blessed with, enjoy every moment.

wow, it has been awhile!

Well, I am back! It has been a little while, I was so busy planning little missy's 1st birthday party! It was a success, and I think I may still be recovering.. I am waiting to see the pictures the photographer took, but I am sure they will be amazing... I am just so darn impatient! So as soon as I get them, I will post a couple! But in the mean time here are a few "amateur" ones... We did her birthday party at a pumpkin patch.. There were pony rides, bounce houses, animals to feed, little rides, a spooky graveyard, and of course PUMPKINS! hehe!   M loved the pony rides so much! (I think she may ask Santa for a pony! lol)
Mommy & Daddy walking with M
I can't believe she is already 1! 

She loved her birthday pancakes! 
Pony Ride with Uncle Keith
Time for that birthday girl to have some cake! 
Cake Wasted?? ;-) 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's been awhile!

I feel like I have been so busy, but then not that busy.. If that makes any sense?? =)

First, yesterday was the big day that one of my best friends moved to Chicago.. No more last minute meetups at SBux, beach walks, friday night wine drinking, just plain ol' having girl time with an amazing friend! Ok, I'm done talking about this before I start getting teary eyed!

Next, I cannot believe my beautiful girl is nearly one year old!!!! The past 10 months have gone by insanely fast, and my gosh it has been a blast! She is such a diva, it's kind of scary!! Her newest tricks are clapping, and starting to really mimic me on playing patty cake.. Her birthday party is coming up, I am finally set on my place and the theme (they do go hand in hand!), so now I am just pulling (or shall we say, pinning?) everything, so I can find it all in one place! I have a sick obsession with pinterest... I swear I use on average 2 hours a night looking and pinning! ahhH!

Ok, I am out of here... Have more I need to pin, and I think I may have an iced coffee, which reminds me I still need to try my favorite Pioneer Woman's recipe for the "Perfect Iced Coffee"!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Playing Catch Up!

Today was kind of bittersweet. It is being more and more of a reality that one of my closest and dearest friends is moving. The packers came and boxed up her house, and then we went and hit up the last case lot sale together! We met when my sweetie was in the Marine Corps. They had just moved here a few months before, and her husband was with the same battalion as mine.. She has always been the best kind of friend you could ever want to have. And now they are off to Chicago for the next chapter in their family's journey! Good luck you guys on the next few years, (& you know I will have my fingers crossed that you come back here after!!) We are having a girls day on Sunday as our last hoorah! Wine tasting! hehe! Oh that shall be fabulous! hehehe!!

But I think the part that is hardest for me is knowing Little Missy won't get to play with her "cousin" like he has been wanting to do since she was teeny tiny! It is crazy to think when they are done with recruiting duty she will be turning 4, and he will be 8... Wow! I guess there will just be some trips to the windy city in our future.. (That is Chicago right??)

There isn't much else new going on with us.. Missy is 10 months old now. Pretty hard to believe! She is in everything that is within reach.. It is still like wrestling a wild animal for diaper changes, getting dressed, etc.. But she eats amazingly! I love how well she does with everything since she has been having "human food".... hehe!  Ok, I am going to get some rest! We have a busy day tomorrow!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Finally, it's Over!

Well, now that the baptism/wedding is over.. (FINALLY!!!) It is time to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment! Ok done, Now I need to start planning this 1st Birthday Party.. I have been pinning tons of things to my Pinterest for quite some time now.. I think we are going to go with the cute little girly monkey theme... Little Missy is quite the little monkey and loves bananas so its fitting right???!?! ;-) 

So here are a couple pictures from the baptism/wedding so you can soak it all in before the birthday talk begins......
Pretty Girl All Ready to be Baptized!
Centerpieces at the Reception
Oh How Crafty, right?? 

The Miller Family <3

I will post more pictures as I get them.. But hope you enjoyed your preview... hehehe! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Night time activities...

It never fails  (unless grandma isn't here) Little Missy has her night time activities at grandma's house.... Right now she is up playing keep away from Ellie, which she  fondly calls "ELLLL-AYYYEE".... I want to go to sleep! Ok gooood night I'm going to see if this wild thing will concede and hit  up dreamland!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day of Bonding!

Today was such a fun day! I cannot even tell you the last time my sister and I had a day of just the two of us, and just laughed, shopped, laughed even more, talked about every random thing, laughed til we almost peed our pants, and ummm kept laughing!!! It was just a great day all around.. and one we need to have on repeat more often.

On a different note, I decided to buy a sewing machine today..(Anyone that knows me, knows I come up with these random ideas of projects that "are" so simple to do.. ummm ya right!!!) I need to make the cover for the wagon that Little Missy is going to be riding down the aisle in for the big day... I got white satin, and a coral satin that I want as a ruffle along the edge.. I also thought that with the machine I could just whip up a few pillowcase dresses for her, and some table clothes or placemats while I was at it.... Well, the machine got out of the box and I plugged it in and pressed the foot petal, and ya know I am not going to bore you with all these ridiculous details... But needless to say, I didn't get far, my thing still isn't sewn, I haven't done any dresses, tablecloths, or placemats... Sad to say..... lol.... As I type this I can only imagine how crazy I must sound for thinking I could do all of that in one day!!! Uh.. Also I kinda left out that I have never sewn anything in my life... by hand or machine..... (Ok, thats a lie, I did do the elastic bands on my daughter's tutus...)

Alright, time for bed, my  caffeine from my mocha (thank you Keurig!) is wearing down.. Good night!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Growing up so quick!

My baby girl has turned 9 months old! She is just getting so big, and getting cuter and cuter! She is a whopping 18 lbs! I thought it had to be up around 20.. hehe.. It also happened to be my birthday.. Which was preceded with me realizing me my license was expiring on my birthday! So Little Miss and I spent our morning at the DMV. I was excited that there was the Salvation Army Thrift Shop next door.. I have been wanting to get some old frames and spray paint them fun colors, like hot pink, teal, yellow, etc... So that was my present to myself.. ha, old used picture frames to paint! (& I can't wait to do it!)
My Gorgeous Flowers from My Amazing Hubby! 

Something funny about Little Miss: She is saying Ellleeehh and flapping her arm around, definitely her way of calling Ellie the dog.. lol! It is pretty interesting to watch the 2 of them play.

Trying to plot her escape from baby jail with some help from "Elleeeehhh!"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Here, There, Everywhere

Man, this little missy is crawling everywhere!!!!! It is insane how quick she is, baby jails are now in place! She pulls herself up, slams her hands, stomps her feet, and will yell if she sees you around... Wow... Can we say Drama Queen... Pretty scary since she is not even 9 months old yet!! EeekkkK!!
Such a big girl already!! 

We are still waiting for any sign of teeth poking thru... But that hasn't slowed her up! She loves chowing down and have "human" food! It is crazy to think that she will be 9 months on Monday, the 1st, (My Birthday!! WoooHoooo!!!), But the time has flown past with her, and we have been loving every second we have gotten to share with her! She is such a crazy little blessing that has her mommy & daddy's hearts! xoxo's for you baby doll! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

No Holding Back!

She is moving like a mad man now! No holding back on the crawling... She was doing the whole shy kid thing where she wouldn't let anyone see her "really" crawl.. Now it is full on belly up, butt in the air, on her knees crawling. I am one super happy proud mommy!

On the Move! 

We have been at grandma's house for the past few days. Little Miss loves her swimming, it was so nice and refreshing to float around for a good part of the afternoon.. And even better she got a 2 hour nap out of it! Hehehe!! The pictures of our little fish are on grandma's computer.. Here are a couple random's from the past few days.. 

Playing with Balloons with Great-Grandpa

Anyone Need a Disaster?? 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Procrastinate, Smastinate.....

I can't wait for the darn UPS guy to get here today... My "wedding" dress is Out for Delivery (according to my tracking #!) I can't wait to see it and try it on.. Especially since I got it online.. haha.. Then it will be on to finding shoes, a hair piece, etc... gaahhh!! Only 33 more days................................ It is closing in... Even though I didn't have that much time to start off with since this was just going to be (in my mind..) a blessing followed by her baptism.. I love her baptism dress, can't wait to put it on her.. I'm just terrified she is going to puke all over it... lol... It looks like a gorgeous wedding dress that was shrunk down! =)

All this wedding talk makes me sad though! I miss my BFF, she is getting married on the 6th, and we are missing it... Dang it why did you have to move to VA???!?!?!! I can't wait to see her when she comes out here and I need to find a deal so baby girl and I can go visit her.. Speaking of which, I need to order her gift and have it sent... Why am I waiting til the last minute for everything? I am driving myself crazy for how much of a procrastinator I have turned into.. Like waiting til the last moment to order a dress for me to wear for my "blessing"..

I think I hear the UPS truck!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wild Child?

My kid is such a bruiser already.... It is kinda scary.. She just tackles the dog, but the darn dog keeps going right back to her. She is terrorizes the living room, DVDs flying everywhere, takes Ellie's (the poor dog) toys from her and throws random things... But shhhh, don't tell my awesome husband that I am secretly hoping we get a new entertainment center since this one isn't too kid friendly, even though I think the solution is going to be a baby cage (or maybe its called a baby gate?)  haha... Thank goodness it is naptime now! Hopefully it is a good, long, refreshing nap for her because we have Gymboree at 1 and it isn't a fun time if the baby is grouchy! Maybe we will get daddy to come with us.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can you click and wave?

Little Miss has started waving. If you wave to her, she will most likely wave back. If she is frustrated she waves. When she is happy, she waves.... So as you can tell, we don't have the concept of waving down.... but we are working on it!! Clicking her tongue is also a new obsession over here.. Bonus if she does it together-- Click & Wave! It amazes me how much she has done in the short 8 months she has been here for! Before her months could pass and it was just "wow, now its the middle of July!"  Now it feels like I have discovered a new sense of time, it is hard because it still goes by too fast! Oh my beautiful, funny girl. I love her more than she could ever know! 

If feels like just the other day we were on our way to the photographer to have her pictures done.. 
Slow down baby girl, you are growing toooo fast for your mommy!!!  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Feeling a little crafty!

I think this could be the answer to the crappy soap dispenser I have to deal with right now!!

So this blogging thing.....

I'm going to give it a try.... and we will see how well it goes!!

Right now I am just relishing the quiet glorious part of the day known as nap time.... I really want a vanilla bean frappachino with banana and caramel.. or hmmm, a gelato shop near my house would be marvelous.. But, I need to chill on these fabulous tasty things in life, gotta look good in that wedding dress for my wedding blessing (or CCC -Custom Catholic Ceremony as my mama calls it...) There is so much I need to look at for that thing... sheesh!! Just glad I have the baptism dress already! I will give the background here since its probably confusing what the heck I am talking about...... 3 years ago we thought we would head to Vegas and get married! So we did... 1 1/2 years ago we found out we were having a little one, she is here now... Actually getting big fast! So she needs to be baptized... The wild idea of getting my marriage blessed at the same time came to me....Now it is happening!