Thursday, November 17, 2011

Holiday wreath!

I was feeling crafty the other day and bought a 50ct box of ornaments at Target... Well I finally got around to them today during nap time! I love Christmastime! It is truly my favorite time of year! So this along with a Caramel Brulee Latte, has me excited for Thanksgiving to pass!! hehe!
My Finished Wreath!
Here are directions if you want to make your own! It was really pretty simple!
1. Get about 50 ornaments, and a wire clothes hanger. 

2. Round out the hanger, and untwist the hook portion (I was able to do it with my hands, it shouldn't be too difficult!) 

3. Start stringing on your ornaments until you fill it up.  You can move them around, they are really easy to reposition to get the look you like! 

4. Twist your ends back together and I just folded mine over so it would hang like that on the curtain rod. if you want to hang it on your door, or wall, it might be a little trickier! 

5. Enjoy your nice, pretty wreath! (M is currently just sitting and pointing at it while drinking her milk! Amazing what she notices after her nap, hehe..) 

1 comment:

  1. This is seriously so awesome! I cannot wait to make one!!
