Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's been awhile!

I feel like I have been so busy, but then not that busy.. If that makes any sense?? =)

First, yesterday was the big day that one of my best friends moved to Chicago.. No more last minute meetups at SBux, beach walks, friday night wine drinking, just plain ol' having girl time with an amazing friend! Ok, I'm done talking about this before I start getting teary eyed!

Next, I cannot believe my beautiful girl is nearly one year old!!!! The past 10 months have gone by insanely fast, and my gosh it has been a blast! She is such a diva, it's kind of scary!! Her newest tricks are clapping, and starting to really mimic me on playing patty cake.. Her birthday party is coming up, I am finally set on my place and the theme (they do go hand in hand!), so now I am just pulling (or shall we say, pinning?) everything, so I can find it all in one place! I have a sick obsession with pinterest... I swear I use on average 2 hours a night looking and pinning! ahhH!

Ok, I am out of here... Have more I need to pin, and I think I may have an iced coffee, which reminds me I still need to try my favorite Pioneer Woman's recipe for the "Perfect Iced Coffee"!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Playing Catch Up!

Today was kind of bittersweet. It is being more and more of a reality that one of my closest and dearest friends is moving. The packers came and boxed up her house, and then we went and hit up the last case lot sale together! We met when my sweetie was in the Marine Corps. They had just moved here a few months before, and her husband was with the same battalion as mine.. She has always been the best kind of friend you could ever want to have. And now they are off to Chicago for the next chapter in their family's journey! Good luck you guys on the next few years, (& you know I will have my fingers crossed that you come back here after!!) We are having a girls day on Sunday as our last hoorah! Wine tasting! hehe! Oh that shall be fabulous! hehehe!!

But I think the part that is hardest for me is knowing Little Missy won't get to play with her "cousin" like he has been wanting to do since she was teeny tiny! It is crazy to think when they are done with recruiting duty she will be turning 4, and he will be 8... Wow! I guess there will just be some trips to the windy city in our future.. (That is Chicago right??)

There isn't much else new going on with us.. Missy is 10 months old now. Pretty hard to believe! She is in everything that is within reach.. It is still like wrestling a wild animal for diaper changes, getting dressed, etc.. But she eats amazingly! I love how well she does with everything since she has been having "human food".... hehe!  Ok, I am going to get some rest! We have a busy day tomorrow!!