Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day of Bonding!

Today was such a fun day! I cannot even tell you the last time my sister and I had a day of just the two of us, and just laughed, shopped, laughed even more, talked about every random thing, laughed til we almost peed our pants, and ummm kept laughing!!! It was just a great day all around.. and one we need to have on repeat more often.

On a different note, I decided to buy a sewing machine today..(Anyone that knows me, knows I come up with these random ideas of projects that "are" so simple to do.. ummm ya right!!!) I need to make the cover for the wagon that Little Missy is going to be riding down the aisle in for the big day... I got white satin, and a coral satin that I want as a ruffle along the edge.. I also thought that with the machine I could just whip up a few pillowcase dresses for her, and some table clothes or placemats while I was at it.... Well, the machine got out of the box and I plugged it in and pressed the foot petal, and ya know I am not going to bore you with all these ridiculous details... But needless to say, I didn't get far, my thing still isn't sewn, I haven't done any dresses, tablecloths, or placemats... Sad to say..... lol.... As I type this I can only imagine how crazy I must sound for thinking I could do all of that in one day!!! Uh.. Also I kinda left out that I have never sewn anything in my life... by hand or machine..... (Ok, thats a lie, I did do the elastic bands on my daughter's tutus...)

Alright, time for bed, my  caffeine from my mocha (thank you Keurig!) is wearing down.. Good night!!

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