Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's about to get real!

I have been going back and forth about writing this for a few days, so I am just going to let it flow! Let me start with a little background on this post. I am a member of MOPS, it is an amazing organization, and I love all of the fabulous ladies I have met through it! One of the speakers at my old MOPS group was Jana Alayra. (She is an unbelievably amazing, inspirational, beautiful person!) Her talk was about authenticity. It has stuck to me more than you could ever know. I really see people, specifically other moms, and myself in such a different light.

Being Authentic is such an important part of life, especially motherhood. This is real life. Who else is there to be but yourself? You are teaching your child before you even realize it, by the example you are leading. So why care what anyone thinks of you? I am not changing any part of myself or my life for someone else's opinion. We all have those hellish days where we are looking less than amazing, but we need to just remind ourselves that we are moms. This is the real deal, no out takes, or redoing it; what is important and matters isn't what someone else's thoughts are on your outfit, hair, whether you give your kid juice or not. Everyone has an opinion, and to be totally honest, no one is right or wrong- we all are doing the best we can for our families.

Everywhere you look, from the TV (thanks Lifetime, not sure what the point of Pretty Wicked Moms is supposed to be) to the playground, women are competing on who is the best. I guess I am just so sick of these mommy wars of watching women just rip each other to shreds because they think they are doing something better than the next. No one knows what someone else is going through, even though they look like they have the perfect life on the outside. Next time you think of competing in the mommy war, think to yourself, am I being authentic to myself? my beliefs? my family? Be the friend that you want to find.

By the way, Jana also has a song, Gift from Heaven (the "coffee song") that always brings me to tears, because it reminds me so much of some of my most treasured friendships.

until next time! xo, 

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